young adults at Bible study


Where We Start: The God of the Bible

God loves people! The God who created the universe and created us has revealed Himself in the Bible. At Glenwood, we believe the Bible when it says we can know and have a relationship with God through the person of Jesus Christ. We believe God uses the Bible to challenge, encourage, and equip the people He loves.

God’s mission throughout the Bible is to redeem His people so they might bless the world. His work through His people happens everywhere. Mission is the work of God in our homes and neighborhoods, our church building, our city, our country, and throughout the world.

How We Respond: Worship, Connect, Serve

In light of God’s love for us and His desire for relationship with us, we want to respond in worship, connection, and service. We gather as a community of believers on Sundays to worship together. We then worship during the week by how we think, speak and act.

We believe that the church is a family who seeks to love one another as we are loved by God. We love one another as we build and develop redemptive relationships that help and encourage others to be more like the Jesus of the Bible. We believe that Jesus Christ gave His life for an imperfect and unworthy church and world. We believe that Jesus Christ is worthy of our service and that His sacrificial death compels us to sacrificially serve the church and world for whom He died.

Where We Go: Locally

Our on-site ministries are focused on fulfilling our purpose as a church body and seek to embody our core values. These ministries include: Children’s, Middle School, High School, Adult Equipping Classes, College & Young Adult, LIFE Groups, Senior’s, Women’s, Men’s, Refugees & Immigrants, Service at Local Apartment Complexes, Quilters.

Where We Go: Globally

Glenwood currently supports global and local missionary families and organizations serving in eleven countries around the world.

Our global outreach strategy is to:

  1. support those called to serve on a long term basis;
  2. assist the development of national workers and leaders; and
  3. send short term Global Outreach (G.O.) Teams to resource those national leaders.

God is at work all over the world. From the farthest people groups to our neighbors in Vancouver, God provides us many opportunities to participate in His mission. Will you join us?