Women's Summer Book Club

For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Matthew 12:34
The Women's Summer Book Club is back! Beginning July 6th, we'll meet every two weeks from 7:00-8:30 pm to discuss what we've read.
…it is important that we develop a biblical theology of words and a practical theology for how we use these deeply powerful tools for the sake of our sanctification, for the sake of the church, for the sake of God’s glory.
In Taming the Tongue, Jeff Robinson Sr. invites us to examine our words and the effect they have on our Christ-likeness, how our sin affects our words, and finally, how our words can be an extension of God’s grace.
July 6
Chapter 1 God’s Word and Our Words
Chapter 2 Trouble in Our Talk
July 20
Chapter 3 Words as Weapons
Chapter 4 The Healing Balm in Our Mouth
August 3
Chapter 5 It’s in the Way We Talk
Chapter 6 Talking with Our Thumbs
August 17
Chapter 7 Two Ears, One Mouth
Conclusion Hearts and Tongues Set Free
We will be meeting on the above dates from 7:00 - 8:30pm on the Patio. Books are available for $10 or can be purchased via Amazon. If you need a scholarship or have any questions, please contact Michelle Jensen at mjensen@glenwoodcc.org.
Thanks for helping us plan for you by signing up below.