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August 10, 2017

Join us in September as we begin a new season of Women’s Bible Study.  For more information on the choices available, please go to Women’s Bible Study.

August 4, 2017
Michelle Jensen

We are pleased to introduce Michelle Jensen as our Leadership Coordinator of Women's Ministries.  Michelle and her husband Matt have been a part of Glenwood for more than ten years. Michelle grew up in a small town on the Kitsap Peninsula (west of Seattle) and graduated from Evangel University with a degree in Business Management. She spent many years in the business world before starting a family.

July 25, 2017

Operation Christmas Child brings joy and hope to children in desperate situations around the world through simple, gift-filled shoe boxes and the good news of God’s love through Jesus Christ. It’s not too early to begin planning and shopping for your shoeboxes---back to school items will be on sale starting soon.

July 22, 2017
Options360 Baby Bottles

Dear Glenwood:

Thank you for your participation in our Baby Bottle Campaign. Glenwood raised $2,651.24.  That is fantastic!  So far the campaign has raised over $15,000.  We are so excited!  Thank you for helping us raise the much-needed money for our clinics. Summer is usually a very lean time for us and this will help us out so much.


July 17, 2017
Moms walk - summertime fellowship

Join other young moms as we fellowship together while walking in the fresh air and sunshine!

Meet at 9:30am at the following parks:

June 22: Esther Short Park - Bell tower (across from the Hilton)
July 20: Klineline - Parking lot near the bridge to the splash pad
August 24: Lacamas Lake - Parking lot near the playground

July 9, 2017

Our prayers of love and support are with the family of Don and Judy Sproul.  Don Sproul went home to be with the Lord on Thursday, June 29, 2017.  A memorial service is planned for Friday, July 14 at 2:00 p.m.

In This Article:
July 6, 2017
In This Article:
July 6, 2017
In This Article:
July 6, 2017
July 2, 2017

Disc golf course closed tonight, (Sunday, July 2nd), from 12pm - 9:30pm.

In This Article:
June 30, 2017
John working up a ladder

We live in interesting times. Within the span of a few short years many of us have come to expect that everything in our lives should be visually documented. We carry around video and still cameras in our pockets and deposit those images into a digital holding tank everyone has access to.  It’s almost as if if no one saw it, it didn’t happen. Ironic words from someone that creates some of those videos for a living.

In This Article:
June 29, 2017
In This Article:
June 29, 2017
In This Article:
June 29, 2017

Today it's best to let someone else do the talking.  A message from Pastor Wawa:

In This Article:
June 28, 2017
