Adult Equipping

The Adult Equipping Center develops people for life and service to Jesus Christ using the Word of God as the primary resource. Whether through reading materials, videos, or compelling teaching, our goal is to assist the Church's conformity to the likeness of God's Son.
Equipping classes utilize ministry space in other parts of our facility during Sunday Worship Services. During the course of a year, you will find a team of teachers excited to share God's truth with you in an effort to inform and inspire your love for God. Our classes work from Bible to life, and from life to Bible. So bring your Bible and come ready to encounter God in His Word!
New Class: The Gospel According to the Prophets
Adult Equipping Class - Begins Sunday, January 21st, Room 302, 9:00 am
The Messiah foretold in the OT was not merely the coming king, but the Son of God and Creator of heaven and earth. The Prophets tell us that His death would provide true forgiveness of sins and usher in the New Covenant and fulfill and abrogate the Law of Moses. The Christ would first come in humility and provide the sacrifice that would truly have the power to defeat sin and His second coming would usher in His glorious reign on earth. We will examine key OT passages and follow the arguments of early church fathers to demonstrate that Jesus is The King of Kings, our Righteous Savior, and God Almighty.
To see and listen to previous classes, please Browse our Equipping Classes.
Ministry News
Due to the high volume of sign ups, we have had to close registration for the Reach seminar. To be placed on the waiting list for this Sunday's seminar, please click here....