Glenwood Community Church

Disc Golf

Welcome to the Glenwood Community Church Disc Golf Course page. Our course is open to the public, rain or shine during daylight hours. Come on out as often as you are able! The course is a standard 9-hole, par 3. Please bring your own discs. Parking is available toward the north end of our parking lot. For the sake of your car, please do not park in the row that faces North -- it is in potential danger of getting hit by an errant disc if you park there. Tee #1 is directly north of the parking lot by the white-topped pole.

Please be courteous and restrict your play if you see church events taking place in the playing areas. We will announce any official closures further below on this page, as well as on Facebook. Also please ensure that the area you are throwing into is clear of other golfers -- several of our holes are close up against other holes or tees.

Our property fence lines, all rooftops, and all main paved areas should be considered out of bounds. The house by holes 5 and 6 is used as a church building, not a residence -- don't feel bad about playing through the yard. Click on the map below to enlarge it. For a printable map, click here.


Disc Golf Course closed on: 

June 24-28, 2024 from 7 am to 1 pm

August 3, 2024 - All Day


Ministry News

Posted: March 27, 2020

The Glenwood Disc Golf Course is now reopened! Please continue to follow the Governor's recommended health and social distancing guidlines as you play.


Previoius News 3/15/20: Our disc golf course is closed to the public until further notice per Covid Stay at Home order.

Posted: May 22, 2018

Course Closed this Thursday, May 24th, for Seal Coating. This may stretch to a couple of days, but we'll try to update as we receive more information regarding the process.

Thanks, all! Stay safe. 

Posted: May 11, 2018

The disc golf course will be closed starting 8 a.m. Saturday May 12th through 5 p.m. Saturday May 19th. We will be setting up and hosting the annual STM Sale during this time and a large majority of the course will be closed off. Thank you for your time and...
