Women's Summer Events

Women's Summer Book Club

The Women's Summer Book Club is back!  This summer we will be reading and discussing Everyday Faithfulness by Glenna Marshall.

What does Christian faithfulness look like when life feels unpredictable, hard, or just plain ordinary?  We want to follow Jesus, but it's easy to become more focused on our present situation than on a long view of faithfulness.  Working through the unique challanges that come with seasons of waiting, caretaking, suffering, worry, spiritual dryness, and more, Everyday Faithfulness delves into practical ways to build habits into everyday life that will aid in spiritual growth throughout a lifetime.

We'll be meeting July 11, July 25, August 8, and August 22 from 7:00 - 8:30pm on the Patio.

Sign up at Glenwoodcc.org/Bookclub.


Women's Summer Fellowship

Ladies -- please join us this summer on July 16th and August 20th as we gather together to hear what God is doing in the lives of women at Glenwood, catch up with friends, and spend time together in prayer.  We'll meet from 9:30-11:00am in the Fellowship Hall.

Thanks for helping us plan by registering at the dates above.