Friday, Feb 13
Here we are, Friday evening. It feels as if we have been here forever, and yet it also feels as if there is no way the week should be almost over.
We are sitting here this evening singing together, praising God, and oh is there so much to praise him for. As I think back over the experiences we've had this past week He is so evident. That despite the things that aren't as they should be, despite the sin, the hunger, the need, there is still such an evidence of God. There are still people who are spreading His love, people who are desiring more for Haiti through Christ!
We continued to see evidence of God when we went to Merger this morning. Though we were only able to stay for the morning, due to demonstrations going on this afternoon, it was such an encouraging time. The kindergarten continues to progress and it is exciting to see it start looking like a building.
The kindergarteners were having a celebration of fruit and their classroom was decorated, they all had masks, and they sang songs. It was such an exciting and adorable thing to watch! We also were able to continue building relationships with the older students. As we said goodbye to them, emotions were high (some of the team might try to tell you they didn't tear up, but we were all feeling it). I got the most choked up as we pulled away from the school and little 8 year old Edson Louis stood at the edge of his classroom waving and blowing kisses!
Some of the team headed over and worked on the home being built here in Port au Prince. Oh boy, it's come a long way, it actually is looking a bit like a house!
There are so many stories and moments and experiences I wish I could just tell you about, actually I wish each of you could be here experiencing them as well. But you are here in a way, in that your prayers are a huge part of what's going on here! Goodnight for now everyone!