Calendar of Events

Events Calendar

March 2025

Friday, March 14

First Things First
6:00 am, Library

First Things First is a Men's Bible Study and prayer time led by the person preaching each week. The Bible study is a verse by verse inductive study of the upcoming Sunday sermon, followed by a prayer time in small groups. First Things First meets every Friday from 6:00-7:00am in the Library. There is a zoom option available for those not able to meet in person. Contact Al Curtis for the Zoom Link.

Sunday, March 16

Church Family Prayer
8:00 am, Room 305 - HS Room

Join us as we pray together as a church family.

Worship Service
9:00 am, Worship Center

Our first worship service each Sunday. For more information, please see our About page, as well as What to Expect.

Worship Service
10:30 am, Worship Center

Our second worship service each Sunday. For more information, please see our About page, as well as What to Expect.

VBC Drama Rehearsal
10:30 am, Room 111

Monday, March 17

6:30 pm, Room 305

Precept - Genesis Part 3, 4 & 5

Join us for the winter/spring session of Precept beginning on Monday, January 13 at 6:30pm in Room 305.


Part 3 – A Study on Abraham

Abraham was called "the friend of God." What can you learn from him that will ground your faith, challenge your walk, and give you hope for the future?

Women's Bible Study
7:00 pm, FH

Women's Bible Study

Join us for our winter/spring Bible study session beginning Monday, January 13 at 7:00pm in the Fellowship Hall* for this 18-week study of Acts.

The book of Acts is set within the larger story of the outworking of God’s plan to save for himself a people from every nation―the story that runs from Genesis to Revelation. Within its pages are dramatic accounts of the Spirit falling, the apostles’ preaching, conflict with Jewish opposition to welcoming in the Gentiles, and the invasion of the good news of King Jesus into the Roman Empire. 

Tuesday, March 18

Women's Bible Study
9:15 am, Fellowship Hall

Women's Bible Study

Join us for our winter/spring Bible study session beginning Tuesday, January 14 at 9:15am in the Fellowship Hall* for this 18-week study of Acts.

The book of Acts is set within the larger story of the outworking of God’s plan to save for himself a people from every nation―the story that runs from Genesis to Revelation. Within its pages are dramatic accounts of the Spirit falling, the apostles’ preaching, conflict with Jewish opposition to welcoming in the Gentiles, and the invasion of the good news of King Jesus into the Roman Empire. 

9:15 am, Room 305

Precept - Genesis Part 3, 4 & 5

Join us for the winter/spring session of Precept beginning on Tuesday, January 14 at 9:15am in Room 305.


Part 3 – A Study on Abraham

Abraham was called "the friend of God." What can you learn from him that will ground your faith, challenge your walk, and give you hope for the future?

Wednesday, March 19

Youth Group - Nerf Night
6:30 pm, MB

Both High School and Middle School ministries will be meeting at GCC from 6:30pm to 8:30pm (doors will open at 6:15pm). High School and Middle School will be together for games and teaching and split for small groups.

Youth Group Schedule (Wednesdays at GCC, 6:30pm-8:30pm)

Thursday, March 20

9:00 am, FH

Friday, March 21

First Things First
6:00 am, Library

First Things First is a Men's Bible Study and prayer time led by the person preaching each week. The Bible study is a verse by verse inductive study of the upcoming Sunday sermon, followed by a prayer time in small groups. First Things First meets every Friday from 6:00-7:00am in the Library. There is a zoom option available for those not able to meet in person. Contact Al Curtis for the Zoom Link.

Sunday, March 23

Worship Service
9:00 am, Worship Center

Our first worship service each Sunday. For more information, please see our About page, as well as What to Expect.

Worship Service
10:30 am, Worship Center

Our second worship service each Sunday. For more information, please see our About page, as well as What to Expect.

VBC Drama Rehearsal
10:30 am, Room 111

Monday, March 24

Women's Bible Study
7:00 pm, FH

Women's Bible Study

Join us for our winter/spring Bible study session beginning Monday, January 13 at 7:00pm in the Fellowship Hall* for this 18-week study of Acts.

The book of Acts is set within the larger story of the outworking of God’s plan to save for himself a people from every nation―the story that runs from Genesis to Revelation. Within its pages are dramatic accounts of the Spirit falling, the apostles’ preaching, conflict with Jewish opposition to welcoming in the Gentiles, and the invasion of the good news of King Jesus into the Roman Empire. 

Tuesday, March 25

Women's Bible Study
9:15 am, Fellowship Hall

Women's Bible Study

Join us for our winter/spring Bible study session beginning Tuesday, January 14 at 9:15am in the Fellowship Hall* for this 18-week study of Acts.

The book of Acts is set within the larger story of the outworking of God’s plan to save for himself a people from every nation―the story that runs from Genesis to Revelation. Within its pages are dramatic accounts of the Spirit falling, the apostles’ preaching, conflict with Jewish opposition to welcoming in the Gentiles, and the invasion of the good news of King Jesus into the Roman Empire. 

Wednesday, March 26

Zegan Farewell Open House
6:30 pm, MB

On Wednesday March 26th, Glenwood is hosting a farewell open house for Andrew and Robin Zegan. Andrew and Robin have spent the last seven years investing in middle and high school students at Glenwood. Join us anytime between 7:00-8:30pm (doors open at 6:30 for students) on the 26th to say goodbye and encourage the Zegans. You may even want to join in an epic youth group game while you’re there! Light snacks will be provided.

Thursday, March 27

9:00 am, FH

Friday, March 28

First Things First
6:00 am, Library

First Things First is a Men's Bible Study and prayer time led by the person preaching each week. The Bible study is a verse by verse inductive study of the upcoming Sunday sermon, followed by a prayer time in small groups. First Things First meets every Friday from 6:00-7:00am in the Library. There is a zoom option available for those not able to meet in person. Contact Al Curtis for the Zoom Link.

Saturday, March 29

Men's Breakfast
9:00 am, Worship Center

Men's Breakfast

Sunday, March 30

Worship Service
9:00 am, Worship Center

Our first worship service each Sunday. For more information, please see our About page, as well as What to Expect.

VBC Drama Rehearsal
10:30 am, Room 111
Worship Service
10:30 am, Worship Center

Our second worship service each Sunday. For more information, please see our About page, as well as What to Expect.

March 2025