Haiti G.O. Team June 2017 Day 1

After some lengthy travel delays (including a night spend in a Queens, NY hotel) the team arrived safely and happily in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.  We had just enough time to shovel a timely and delicious lunch down our throats, change into shirts and ties and drive to the graduation in Merger.  Two things that do NOT characterize a Haitian celebration: on time and brief.  Eight high school students and over 40 kindergarteners graduated from the Merger school, and they did it up right: singing, dancing, student presentations, a keynote address from our own John Dryden and Lauren Young, recitations, and gift presentations filled the sweltering Haitian commencement.

Every man on the team felt a wave of delight and the weight of privilege in being present to witness the celebration, and stand as representatives for Glenwood and the years so many have committed to these students.  I couldn’t help but be moved at the image on stage in front of me.  Eight students in cap and gown that didn’t allow themselves to be overcome by the darkness around them and who stood as an example to the 40+ tender little shoots to their right, saying, “It’s possible.”  I was witnessing an image of the Lord’s goodness in the multiplication of His work in Merger.  Eight on the right of the stage finishing the race.  More that five times that on the left just beginning. Sometimes slow and steady does win the race.

We headed back to STEP exhausted but encouraged.  Tomorrow would begin work in earnest on the seminary classroom building so that another type of student could finish their race.  Funny how things tie together like that.

--Jamie for the team