Weekly Bulletin

Glenwood at a Glance
November 2 - December 7, 2021









Children's Ministries

We invite you to consider joining the Children's Ministries Team!  If you are interested in serving on Sunday mornings, please consider the six areas of commitment, we ask team members to make (located at glenwoodcc.org/cmteams).  If you have any questions, contact Nancy Jackson at njackson@glenwoodcc.org or Julianna Lawson at  jlawson@glenwoodcc.org.

Serving at Glenwood

Glenwood has many opportunities for you to serve! If you are interested, please sign-up at glenwoodcc.org/serve.  

Children & Student Ministries Sunday School

To help us prepare for your children/students, fill out the one-time registration today at glenwoodcc.org/ClassRegistration.

Quilting Ministry

The Glenwood quilting ministry has resumed meeting on select Thursdays from 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM in the Fellowship Hall. Please check the calendar for dates. Contact Susan McArthur or Barbara Priddy if you have questions.

FISH Food Pantry

FISH is located in downtown Vancouver and is focused on serving emergency food to hungry and homeless families and individuals of all ages. They have a number of volunteer opportunities right now and could use your help. To find out more, visit glenwoodcc.org/fish.

Discipleship at Glenwood

God has designed the body of Christ to be a network of supportive, life-giving, and truth-affirming relationships. As followers of Christ, we are being both transformed and assisting in the transformation of others. This fall, we would love to help you get connected to discipleship opportunities at Glenwood. Visit Glenwoodcc.org/Discipleship to find out more about how you can get involved.

Prayer Chain

If you would like to join the prayer chain in order to pray for the needs of our church family, please email Judy Tremblay at jtremblay@glenwoodcc.org with the email address(es) you would like to add.

Church Family News

Congratulations to Daniel and Rebecca (Jackson) Crowder on the birth of their daughter, Adah (pronounced AH-dah) Elizabeth!  Adah was born on Saturday, November 6, 2021, weighing 7 pounds, 13 ounces, and measuring 19 inches long. Congratulations also to grandparents, Paul and Nancy Jackson, as well as the many aunts, uncles, and cousins.