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In This Article:
February 16, 2016
Johnny and Brooke Stevens

Johnny & Brooke Stevens shared in services last Sunday, February 14 about their music ministry (called Fusion) in Slovenia and how God has transformed lives through them.  Johnny and Brooke serve with Josiah Venture.  The video here is a summary of Josiah Venture's vision for Central and Eastern Europe (and you can see snippets of Fusion in the video).  The audio here is Johnny and Brooke sharing this past Sunday.

February 13, 2016
home at PDX

Home sweet home!  We were sent on our way with hugs and messages of love and gratitude, both to the team and to Glenwood.  That word is uttered in loving tones by everyone we meet.  Glenwood's support is recognized and greatly appreciated.  And sending a team is vastly appreciated and very encouraging to Wawa & Josette, Johny & Rosadite, Lauren & Mason, and the teachers & students at Merger.

Thank you for your part in this visit and supporting Haiti efforts.


In This Article:
February 12, 2016
Merger Kindergarten

We dedicated the house today, and visited Merger.  Compared to the slum we've been in all week, Merger is lavish!  There is space between the home; trees; and grassy open spaces.

We had a lot of fun interacting with the students during their recess time.  Some of us got to meet our sponsored children.  We also delivered some school supplies from Glenwood.  Most of the kids we talked to said they love Glenwood and their sponsors.

In This Article:
February 11, 2016
Working on the roof

Today we put the finishing touches on the house. The roof went on, and the floors were completed.  We took photos with our new friends.  It's very enjoyable to see the finished product, and to share in the workers' sense of accomplishment.  Our team is breaking up tonight, so we took advantage of the free afternoon and did our Bible study and daily de-brief before dinner today.

February 10, 2016
From the team:

When I wasn't helping work on the house, I got to spend time with Jeff, Jona, Wawa, Johnny, and Rosadite hearing about the ministries they are invested in. It is so encouraging and exciting to hear how God is working through STEP and the school in Merger! -Nathan

February 8, 2016
Nathan and Kenny

Today we worked on the house.  We met up at 7:30 and crossed over to The Community through an opening in the wall.  We wound our way down dirt paths between tin-walled homes, and it took 90 seconds to get to the spot where the foundation had been laid for the walls.  We gathered on the site, and Ton Ton, the job foreman, introduced the beneficiary family members.  It is a tiny woman with 7 children.  The girls were all introduced as "Cheri"... and their name.  Mason told us this means Sweetie, or Missy.  Then Ton Ton, aka Bob, prayed.

February 8, 2016
Haiti GO Team Feb 2016 in PDX

Glenwood’s outreach strategy is to be involved in sending those called to serve on a long term basis, to assist the development of national missionaries and leaders and to send short term Global Outreach (GO) Teams to these areas. Glenwood has been involved in Haiti for many years and is eager to support ministry in any number of ways.  A team of ten went to Port-au-Prince in February 2016 to minister in a number of ways.  See the teams updates below:

Haiti G.O. Team 2016 Day 1

February 7, 2016

We attended church this morning at the Baptist church at the bottom of the -very- long, steep hill, just outside the gate to the campus.  Brave souls walked, some of us rode down.  The service was at 8:30, and people were milling about, having just gotten out of Sunday School.  A familiar song was being piped out of the church into the portico.  The church building is large, with several levels.  The acoustics were very good, and the acapella singing of the congregation was A-MAZ-ING!  What a tear-inducing blessing.  They sang several hymns we knew, so we sang along in English.

February 6, 2016
Port au Prince
Bienvenue a Ayiti!

Once we left New York, we made it here without a hitch.  Approaching Haiti in the plane, we were reminded of Hawaii - azure sea to the West and mountains to the East.  We disembarked and immediately felt the humidity, even though we were in the airport.  Immigration was a breeze, and we were serenaded as we waited our turn by a drummer and accordionist playing a one-bar song, on repeat.

February 5, 2016
Haiti GO Team Feb 2016 in PDX
Day 1, It's 5:30 PM here.
In This Article:
January 24, 2016
Jan 2016 Parent Connection - Fork in the Road

What Decisions does your family face right now? Among all the options available, how do you discern which is best? Do you ever wonder, "where are we going" as a family?

In this Parent Connection we talked about how family mission statements help you to engage life's circumstances and make decisions for your family that point you where you want to go. Discerning how your family uniquely reflects God's character, based on how He has designed you, can help to intentionally direct your family through the many decisions that rush at you, instead of reacting in the moment.

January 24, 2016
2016 Vacation Bible Camp

This year VBC will be held on Monday, June 20 - Friday, June 24! We’re headed to the SonGames to see Tumbalina Turnover, Stella Swift, and Brutus Liftsalot as they compete! We’ll learn about how God calls us to join His team and be a part of His mission for the world. Start considering how you can be a part of VBC this year!

January 16, 2016
Annual Meeting

According to our church constitution, the nominating committee’s responsibility is to present church board nominees for Glenwood member vote at the Annual Meeting. Looking at 1 Timothy 3:1-13, a nominee should demonstrate spiritual maturity, manage his household well, manifest a servant’s heart, and endeavor to live his life above reproach.

January 8, 2016

The Mission ConneXion Northwest conference is January 15-16 at Sunset Presbyterian Church (14986 NW Cornell Road, Portland).  There will be over 100 workshops, exhibits & resources available.  A program listing the speakers and workshops is available on the Ministry Information Table in the Foyer.  You can register online at www.missionconnexion.com.

January 8, 2016
The Cross of Jesus Christ

Two new equipping classes are starting this Sunday.  Both classes are held in Room 314, upstairs near the Library.

At the 9:00am service, Wayne Cochran will be leading a class entitled The Cross. The death and resurrection of Jesus are at the core of Christianity. The cross of Jesus Christ impacts us daily. This class examines the biblical significance of the cross and what it means to "take up your cross" and "be crucified with Christ."
