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March 30, 2013

Dear Friends,

The amazing DEO Ethiopian missionary team flew home to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia this week, bringing to a conclusion this first chapter of joyful evangelistic outreach into the Doro Refugee Camp.  What a wonderful two months of the sort of ‘great and mighty things’ Jeremiah (33:3) spoke about!  Thousands heard the Gospel, many more received Scripture portions, and at last report this village-to-village effort among the refugees brought more than 2,400 individuals into a new relationship with their Creator and Savior. 

February 6, 2013

Mason and Lauren have committed to full time service in Haiti with Crossworld, and we are glad to send them.  As they raise support, they are connecting with folks to share their story of God’s work in Port-au-Prince and Merger.  Please stop by their table in the Foyer on February 10 and 17 to meet and talk with them.

January 31, 2013

The PDFs above are resources for both men who attended the conference or were unable to attend.  If you would like a CD set of the conference (4 CDs total, music included), please click the link below and fill out the short form.

Men's 2013 Equipping Conference CD Request

January 2, 2013

Every year the High School Ministry assembles a team of students and staff to minister to people both near and far. 

December 7, 2012

We received some very exciting news from Dr. Rob and Nancy Congdon in Doro, South Sudan.  Give both a read and be encouraged!

Exciting News from Doro, Part 1

Exciting News from Doro, Part 2

(We have received permission from Rob to post these publicly)

December 7, 2012

originally received on 11/28/12 from Rob and Nancy Congdon

Dear Friends and Family,

Nancy is back in Kenya with the RVA boys, who are now out of school.  I haven’t had time to keep up with the daily blessings of our evangelist team, but yesterday I stopped over to talk through some issues.  They are a great bunch, and I wish we could keep them!

December 7, 2012

Originally received 11/13/12 from Rob and Nancy Congdon

Dear family and friends,

December 7, 2012

Dear Faithful Supporters,

Many times during this past year we’ve thought about you and how God has so faithfully provided for us and our ministry in Haiti through you.

Your support has not only supplied for our needs, but it has overflowed through us to the people of Haiti and to the lost in Senegal.

Your support has enabled us to teach and work with godly Haitian leadership – men and women who are making a difference in their communities as they help draw others to God.

December 4, 2012


Every Winter the High School Ministry spends a weekend away together hanging out, playing games, eating great food, singing, praying, and studying God’s Word. 

October 20, 2012

For those that missed the first REACH event last Sunday night or didn't get certain documents, audio and PDF resources from the seminar are available online. The audio has the opening talks from Pastors Brian and Steve and then the Q&A session from the night's panelists. The resources include the evening's Powerpoint, table discussion questions, and two different studies for further reflection.

Reach - Seminar One Audio and Resources

October 12, 2012
October 12, 2012

Due to the high volume of sign ups, we have had to close registration for the Reach seminar.  To be placed on the waiting list for this Sunday's seminar, please click here.

October 5, 2012

Our two week Discovery I Class (October 28 and November 4 at 11:00 a.m.

September 30, 2012

Thanks to the Scott & Molly Karlsen family, you can find out the size of Noah's Ark by walking over to the flagged area on the east edge of the church property.  If you walk along the perimeter of the staked area you’ll get a great feel for the enormity of the boat.

September 27, 2012

As we reflect on King’s Kruz-In 2012, we are thankful and appreciative for the many participants, spectators, vendors,  staff, and volunteers who once again helped to make this a special day.  Each year we are privileged to enjoy the array of high-quality vehicles and their owners who graciously share their labor of love for all to see.

We hope you will join us next year on the first Saturday in August; August 3rd, 2013!

Please take a tour through the many photos of this year's vehicles and activities:
