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In This Article:
May 3, 2020

Hello Glenwood Families!

As we stay-at-home to slow the spread of the coronavirus, we have our Glenwood Kids videos. Our hope is that we will encourage you in Christ Jesus during this stay-at home time. Parents, if you'd like to share pictures or video with us, you may send it to glenwoodkids@glenwoodcc.org.  You can visit the Children's Ministry page for more activities and videos .

Gathering in heart!

Nancy Jackson


April 30, 2020

In this online Adult Equipping elective, we will continue to study Isaiah 52:13-53:12 and seek to understand Isaiah's words in light of the Gospel. The class is led by Wayne Cochran and will meet via Zoom at 7:00pm on Mondays.


Please note this class has ended.
April 30, 2020

While we may not be able to gather in person -- an online book club allows us to meet up no matter what's going on around us!

Who am I?  vs. Who does the Bible tell me I am in Christ?

From the wisdom and perspective of insightful authors - including Jen Wilkin, Hannah Anderson, Trillia Newbell, and Jen Pollock Mitchell - we'll seek to answer these questions by:

In This Article:
April 25, 2020

Hello, Glenwood Families!

Thank you for joining us as we worship together from home. We pray that our weekly Glenwood Kids videos will encourage you in Christ Jesus during this season. Throughout various episodes, we encourage familes to share videos, photos, or art projects via email at glenwoodkids@glenwoodcc.org.  We look forward to hearing from you!

Gathering with you in heart,

Nancy Jackson 

In This Article:
April 19, 2020

Hello Glenwood Families!

As we stay-at-home to slow the spread of the coronavirus, we have some Family Bible activities for you -- some written Bible activities and our Glenwood Kids videos. Our hope is that we will encourage you in Christ Jesus during this stay-at home time.   You can visit the Children's Ministry page for more of these activities and videos .

Gathering in heart!

Nancy Jackson

April 16, 2020

While we have not been able to meet in person, our Director of Music, Colleen Adent has been recording some special arrangements to encourage during this time.

You can subscribe to her Youtube Channel here.






This Is My Father's World

In This Article:
April 14, 2020

Back on March 7, we welcomed Pastor Thomas Terry and Dr. Ryan Lister for a seminar on Creativity and the Christian. You can watch the full seminar below!


In This Article:
April 11, 2020

Hello Glenwood Families!

As we stay-at-home to slow the spread of the coronavirus, we have some Family Bible activities for you -- some written Bible activities and our Glenwood Kids videos. Our hope is that we will encourage you in Christ Jesus during this stay-at home time.   You can visit the Children's Ministry page for more of these activities and videos .

Gathering in heart!

Nancy Jackson 

In This Article:
April 7, 2020

"And when the centurion, who stood there in front of Jesus, saw how he died, he said, "'Surely this man was the Son of God!'" - Mark 15:39

On this page you'll find sermons from the Gospel of Mark, a Good Friday greeting from Pastor Nathan Nymeyer, and a recording of last year's Good Friday service at Glenwood. We hope these resources will help you reflect well on the suffering and death of Jesus this Good Friday. 

In This Article:
April 3, 2020

You're in the right place! This morning we have a special video to help with your family Bible time.

In This Article:
March 29, 2020

I don’t know about you, but lake, river and ocean water is scary to me. When I can’t see what's below the water's surface, it's just a little too mysterious. Add darkness, wind, an unstable boat, and a phantom, and I'll plant my feet on terra firma, thank you very much.

March 27, 2020

The Glenwood Disc Golf Course is now reopened! Please continue to follow the Governor's recommended health and social distancing guidlines as you play.


Previoius News 3/15/20: Our disc golf course is closed to the public until further notice per Covid Stay at Home order.

March 14, 2020
My help comes from the Lord, 
the Maker of heaven and earth.
Psalm 121:2


March 5, 2020
While we cannot gather together in person, we are working on finding ways to keep us connected to one another and God's Word.  Check back for more details.


Precept and Women's Bible Study will be together for our  the spring session beginning on April 6th and 7th.

Which gospel are you relying on?

Join us for this seven-week study of Galatians.  The church in Galatia faced a choice between two "gospels" - two ways of approaching a relationship with God, two ways of looking at life.

January 31, 2020
STM Drop Off
The previous dates of May 14-16 have been canceled due to Covid-19.
We are evaluating our options for holding the sale later in the year.   May 14, 15, & 16
How You Can Help! Set up: Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday - May 9, May 11, May 12, & May 13 from 9:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m.

           Set up tables and tents, move boxes, unpack boxes, display items, hang pictures, and bring order out of chaos.
           You can help all three days, one day, or for an hour or two!
