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January 26, 2018
Annual Meeting

According to our church constitution, the nominating committee’s responsibility is to present church board nominees for Glenwood member vote at the Annual Meeting. Looking at 1 Timothy 3:1-13, a nominee should demonstrate spiritual maturity, manage his household well, manifest a servant’s heart, and endeavor to live his life above reproach.

January 14, 2018
Nathan Nymeyer, New Executive Director

On January 28 we are having a special congregational meeting in the Worship Center immediately following the second service.  The church board is recommending that we change the job title for Nathan Nymeyer from Director to Pastor.  This does not change his present ministry focus, but does place him on the board of elders. According to our church constitution, this recommendation requires a congregational vote.  If you are a voting member of Glenwood, please reserve time for this meeting in your schedule.  Your presence is very important!

January 12, 2018
Gospel Project

The Gospel Project for Adults takes men and women on a chronological, Christ-centered journey through the storyline of the Bible. Each week, in the same passages as our children and youth, we will encounter God’s plan of redemption through the study of the Bible’s story, the essential doctrines of the Christian faith, and the call to join in God’s mission locally and around the world. This class is built so that if you miss a week, it’s okay to jump back in the following week.

January 9, 2018
mission connexion

The Mission ConneXion Northwest conference is Friday and Saturday, January 19 - 20 at Rolling Hills Community Church (3550 SW Borland Road, Tualatin, Oregon 97062).  There will be over 100 workshops, exhibits & resources available.  Glenwood’s own, Betty Sue Brewster, will be teaching one of the Women in Mission Workshops.  A program listing the speakers and workshops is available on the Ministry Information Table in the Foyer.  The conference is free, but pre-registration i

December 21, 2017
Bible with iPhone, earbuds and tea

Join us Sunday mornings in Room 314 during the second hour, beginning January 7, as we read through the Bible together!  Each week we will be discussing the Bible reading laid out in The Bible Project's Read Scripture Reading Plan that takes you through the Bible in one year. The plan also includes short animated videos produced by The Bible Project that help explain the weekly reading.

In This Article:
December 13, 2017

Our December Parent Connection featured discussion on the power of our words.

In This Article:
December 7, 2017

You are invited to be a Prayer Partner for 2018.  If you would like to connect with another Glenwood woman in praying for each other over the coming year, simply complete the form below and return it to the church office.

If you have any questions, please contact Michelle Jensen at mjensen@glenwoodcc.org or 360-571-3300.

In This Article:
November 30, 2017

The Calling Winter Retreat is all about resting, and refreshing in Christ and with each other.

Join us at Anderson Lodge on January 4-6, 2018 as we spend time in God’s word, reflect, have fun, and eat awesome food together.

The cost of the retreat is $80. Please fill out the form below.

November 30, 2017
Christmas Eve service candle light

Please join us for one of the two Christmas Eve candlelight services to be held on Sunday, December 24 at 4:00 and 5:30 p.m.  These are family services for all ages; there will be no childcare.

We will also have our regular Sunday morning worship services that morning at 9:00am and 10:45am. (Children's classes that morning will take place; middle school and high school Sunday school will not).

November 29, 2017

Our prayers of love and support are with the family of Bob Craver.  Bob went home to be with the Lord on Friday, November 3, 2017.  A memorial service is planned for December, 19 at 1:00 p.m.

In This Article:
November 16, 2017

Next February Glenwood is sending a global outreach team to resource our ministry partners in Haiti. The dates are February 2-10. The team will be doing construction projects for families in Merger. If you are interested in finding out more about this trip, please contact Shelly Kirgiss by phone (360-571-3300) or email. More information can also be found in the trip application below. You can also find a paper copy in the church foyer.

November 14, 2017
JV Prayer room

Glenwood partners with a number of Josiah Venture missionaries: Kecia Kulla, Eric Meland, Marc Meland, Jessica Osborne, Johnny & Brooke Stevens, and Rob & Liz Trenckmann.  Josiah Venture is currently hosting an online pray

November 3, 2017

Our church office receives many phone calls asking for various social services that are in fact handled by local organizations (both government and otherwise). Should anyone need those local services or ask you about such services, you can point them to countyoffice.org.  From County Office's website, their "database includes all types of government offices, including administrative, legal, health, tax, finance, commerce, education, property, social services, public works, law enforcement, emergency services, and judicial offices."

November 3, 2017
Pray for the persecuted church

The first and second Sundays in November are widely recognized as the International Days of Prayer for the Persecuted Church.  They serve as reminders of the 100+ million believers worldwide who face persecution for their faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  In over sixty countries, 300+ Christians are killed each month because they follow Jesus. Over 200 church buildings and Christian-owned properties are destroyed each month.
