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November 26, 2016
Boxes stacked high with a smile

Thank you church family for all of your support this year. We packed 857 boxes! Every gift box will make a difference in a child’s life. Remember to pray for the children who will receive your boxes.

November 26, 2016

Our annual Winter Retreat will be at Camp Wa-Ri-Ki east of Washougal, January 6 to 8, 2017. This time will focus on disconnecting from everyday life in order to refresh and refocus in God's word and to connect more deeply with each other.  The cost of the retreat is $55. Please fill out the form below.

Please note that fields with a star (*) are required.

November 23, 2016
The Gospel Project

As you check in your First-Fifth graders, you will see a new review tool called The Big Picture Cards for Families. Every card in the packet includes the Main Point, Big Picture Question, Christ Connection, and Key Passage for each lesson of the quarter. New packets of The Big Picture Cards for Families will be available for each quarter. The suggested donation to defray their costs is $3 for one pack and $2.50 each for two packs or more. You’ll find a donation canister next to the basket of cards.

November 4, 2016

Every Winter the High School Ministry spends a weekend away together hanging out, playing games, eating great food, singing, praying, and studying God’s Word. 

In This Article:
November 3, 2016

On October 23rd, parents gathered to discuss what it means to have Gospel Centered Families and practical ways to make that happen in our daily lives.

October 27, 2016
Big Ben daylight saving time

It sure is nice to get an extra hour of sleep every Fall.  Sunday, November 6 is Daylight Saving Time.  Make sure to change set your clocks back one hour Saturday night, Nov 5, or you will be getting to church very early the next morning.

October 26, 2016

In February Glenwood is sending a global outreach team to resource our ministry partners in Haiti. The team will be working alongside a Haitian construction crew to help build a home for a family in Port-au-Prince. No special skills are required. If you are interested in finding out more about this trip, please contact Shelly Kirgiss by phone (360-571-3300) or email. More information can also be found in the trip application below. You can also find a paper copy in the church foyer.

In This Article:
October 14, 2016

Operation Christmas Child brings joy and hope to children in desperate situations around the world through simple, gift-filled shoe boxes and the good news of God’s love through Jesus Christ. 

Boxes will be made available in the foyer on Sundays, October 16th and 23rd. Packed boxes will be collected on Sundays, October 30th, November 6th and 13th.

You can find out more at glenwoodcc.org/occ and by watching this video:

October 8, 2016
Headed home in the back of a truck

The team is headed out early for their departure from Port-au-Prince.  They fly to JFK in New York, then home to PDX!


October 8, 2016
Hanging doors last day

The team finished up the last of the doors on their last full day in Haiti and spent the evening in fellowship at Mason and Lauren Young's house. They leave extra early for the airport in Port-au-Prince Saturday morning in the event of delays due to Hurrican Matthew.


October 6, 2016
Construction site from outside the fence.  Man sitting at base of fence.

By the end of the day the Haitian workers made a good start on the 3rd story while the G.O. team worked on the 1st floor and the basement. Much progress was made on interior doors and trim. Last night we saw the moon and a few stars, and the sun was out quite a bit today. Please continue to keep the team in your prayers as we wrap up the week. Also remember the Haitians in the south who are dealing with the loss of loved ones, homes and livelihoods in the wake of Hurricane Matthew.

--From Tom N.


October 6, 2016
The team has lunch with Wawa

The work continued on Day 5.  A highlight was the team getting to have lunch with STEP's president, Wawa Jean-Baptiste.

October 5, 2016
John working on a door

Rain and wind were certainly present in Port-au-Prince, but thankfully work was able to continue inside the building (with electricity!).  Here, John is routing slots for hinges of an interior door.

October 4, 2016
Working on door frames

Despite the looming storm, work began Monday.  Here, the team is working on door frames for the STEP building.

October 4, 2016
The team visiting Haitian church

The team was able to worship Sunday morning with believers from Port au Prince.
