REACH - Seminar 2.5

Session Date: 
Sunday, April 28, 2013

Parenting is more than a simple equation

REACH 2.5 - A Practical Approach For Parenting with Purpose

"Asking better questions to help parents find better answers"

At REACH 1, we discussed God's role as the perfect Father.  At REACH 2, we discussed how we can relate to our children in a godly way and disciple our children with intentionality.  Before we move on REACH 3 and discuss how we might make disciples as a family, we need to pause and further discuss what it means to parent well and in a godly way with the model of the perfect Father.  Thus, REACH 2.5.

Parenting is so much more than putting the right variables in place resulting in a child who loves Jesus.  With the wide assortment of personality types, life situations, and family dynamics, there is no one way to parent.  However, there are good questions that can guide parents in assessing each child in each situation and directing them toward loving and obeying Jesus.  The goal of REACH 2.5 is to become familiar with those helpful questions and begin to use them.