Women's Bible Study

Monday, March 10 -
7:00PM to 8:45PM

Women's Bible Study

Join us for our winter/spring Bible study session beginning Monday, January 13 at 7:00pm in the Fellowship Hall* for this 18-week study of Acts.

The book of Acts is set within the larger story of the outworking of God’s plan to save for himself a people from every nation―the story that runs from Genesis to Revelation. Within its pages are dramatic accounts of the Spirit falling, the apostles’ preaching, conflict with Jewish opposition to welcoming in the Gentiles, and the invasion of the good news of King Jesus into the Roman Empire. 

In Saved, bestselling author Nancy Guthrie provides an accessible, theologically sound guide to the book of Acts. Over 17 chapters, she invites readers to peer into the lives of the apostles in the days following the resurrection and ascension of Jesus as they experienced new power from the indwelling Holy Spirit and a new understanding of the Old Testament scriptures. 

Cost of the study is $15.  

Sign up for Women's Bible Study here.

* The first week we will begin our time together in the Fellowship Hall, however the following weeks we will begin by meeting with our assigned small groups to discuss the homework and then join together in the Fellowship Hall to watch the teaching.  If you were in our fall study, your small group is the same.  

If you have any questions, please contact Michelle Jensen at mjensen@glenwoodcc.org or 360-571-3300.