Fall, Friends & Fellowship
Saturday, October 12 -
10:00AM to 1:00PM
Worship Center

Ladies, save the date for Fall, Friends & Fellowship, which will be held on Saturday, October 12, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Gather with friends old and new for a time of fellowship and fun!
Gather with friends old and new for a time of fellowship and fun!
Hear from Sarah Roberts as she shares from Psalm 119 and encourages us to feast on God's Word, enjoy a cozy soup and sandwich lunch, and explore your creative side with an optional watercolor workshop that's approachable for all skill levels.
Cost: $10 or $15 includes watercolor workshop
To attend, please sign up online or in the foyer on September 22, 29, and October 6.
Please contact Michelle Jensen at mjensen@glenwoodcc.org or 360-571-3300 with any questions.