Women's Bible Study

Join us for the winter session of Women's Bible Study beginning on Tuesday, January 17th at 9:15am in the Fellowship Hall.
In this 9-session study on the book of Romans, Courtney Doctor will walk you through Paul's powerful letter to see the glorious grace and transforming work of the gospel. This life-changing message provides not only hope for eternity, but pupose, joy, and peace for today.
Online sign-ups are available here. You can also sign up in the Foyer on January 8th. Books will be available for pick up at that time. Cost: $25
Children's classes on Tuesday mornings for ages nursery through Kindergarten are currently full and will accept children as space becomes available. Children must be registered prior to the start of Bible Study.
If you have any questions, please contact Michelle Jensen at mjensen@glenwoodcc.org or 360-571-3300.