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In This Article:
March 23, 2020

The Great Command: "Hear O Israel, the Lord Your God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might". Join us as we explore this passage this week and unpack how we can embody this command.

March 20, 2020

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:28

Dear Parents and Students of Glenwood,

March 14, 2020
My help comes from the Lord, 
the Maker of heaven and earth.
Psalm 121:2


March 5, 2020
While we cannot gather together in person, we are working on finding ways to keep us connected to one another and God's Word.  Check back for more details.


Precept and Women's Bible Study will be together for our  the spring session beginning on April 6th and 7th.

Which gospel are you relying on?

Join us for this seven-week study of Galatians.  The church in Galatia faced a choice between two "gospels" - two ways of approaching a relationship with God, two ways of looking at life.

January 31, 2020
STM Drop Off
The previous dates of May 14-16 have been canceled due to Covid-19.
We are evaluating our options for holding the sale later in the year.   May 14, 15, & 16
How You Can Help! Set up: Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, & Wednesday - May 9, May 11, May 12, & May 13 from 9:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m.

           Set up tables and tents, move boxes, unpack boxes, display items, hang pictures, and bring order out of chaos.
           You can help all three days, one day, or for an hour or two!

In This Article:
January 29, 2020

Interested in knowing what's happening in the HS ministry this season? Download the attached calendar of events.

January 2 – Youth Group Begins

January 17-19 – Winter Retreat

February 7 – Dodgeball Night

March 13 – HS Event

April 1 – No Youth Group for Spring Break

April 11 – Prairie View Easter Outreach

May 14-16 – STM Sale

June 3 – Small Group Night at Youth Group

June 10 – Hello/Goodbye Party

June 14 – Promotion Sunday for 9th Grade Students

July 6-9 – HS Summer Camp

January 24, 2020

According to our church constitution, the nominating committee’s responsibility is to present church board nominees for Glenwood member vote at the Annual Meeting.
Looking at 1 Timothy 3:1-13 as a guide, a nominee will demonstrate spiritual maturity, manage his household well, manifest a servant’s heart, and endeavor to live his life above reproach.


2020 Church Board Nominees


January 7, 2020

Join us Saturday, March 7 as we take a look at Creativity and the Christian. This half day seminar will be lead by Dr. Ryan Lister and Pastor Thomas Terry. You can RSVP by emailing seminar@glenwoodcc.org or by filling out the form below.

December 24, 2019
Bible with iPhone, earbuds and tea
M’Cheyne Bible Reading Plan The M'Cheyne Plan is a journey through the Old Testament once and the New Testament and Psalms twice in a year. To see the passages for each day combined in one page, see the M'Cheyne Plan on ESVBible.org. To print out the plan for the whole year, click here.
December 18, 2019

Our Adult Equipping Classes begin in January.

First Hour, 9:00am in room 302 - The Gospel According to Isaiah, led by Wayne Cochran. In this class we will study Isaiah 52:13-53:12 and seek to understand Isaiah's words in light of the Gospel. Class begins January 19, 2020


December 17, 2019


Eight ladies.  One house.  Fantastic brunch.  Get connected.  Be encouraged.

Invite a friend, neighbor, or co-worker to join you.

Saturday, February 1st at 10:30am.

Sign up online or in the Foyer on January 12th and 19th.

Contact Michelle Jensen at mjensen@glenwoodcc.org or 360-571-3300 with any questions.

December 3, 2019

Our annual Winter Retreat will be at Shiloh Bible Camp, January 17-19.  The cost of the retreat is $85. Please fill out the form below.

Please note that fields with a star (*) are required.

November 21, 2019

Two great options to study God's Word this winter!


James -- A Faith That's Real*

What is true faith? How should you live the Christian life? Each verse of this practical study is alive with instructions, admonition, and encouragement. Learn God's principles for dealing with trials, temptations, the tongue, and the pull of the world.

Cost:  $25 (scholarships are available)

Starts:  January

 *This is a continuation of the fall session and will cover chapters 3 – 5.

November 13, 2019

The Young Adults at Glenwood are getting some time to refresh and worship God as we usher in the new year. Enjoy time spent with your friends and eat really good food as we worship and study God's word together at Anderson Lodge.  If you're 18-25 join us for a weekend away at our favorite retreat center. 


Cost: $90

Where: Anderson Lodge 

When: Jan 3-5th 2020

November 12, 2019

Each year we distribute sandwiches, hats, and gloves the day after Thanksgiving to those in need. You can help in many ways: providing lunch meat, making sandwiches, making hats, and/or traveling to areas in Portland and Vancouver to hand them out. Bring your leftover turkey (or other meat) to the kitchen at Glenwood on Friday, November 29 at 10:00 a.m. After making sandwiches, we will carpool. If you are a crafter, please contribute by making a hat(s). You may bring your hats to the church office prior to Thanksgiving or to the kitchen before 10:00 a.m. on the day of the event.
