Worship Services at 9:00 & 10:30 AM online or on-site
Sermon Title: Thinking That is Peaceful and Pure, Philippians 4:6-9
Worship Services at 9:00 & 10:30 AM online or on-site
Sermon Title: Thinking That is Peaceful and Pure, Philippians 4:6-9
This service is an opportunity for you and your family to set aside time to focus on Jesus’ sacrifice. Scriptural narrations, images, communion, and worshipful music will create an environment that encourages personal reflection. Come and go anytime during this service.
For the latest in weather closures affecting events at Glenwood, click Glenwoodcc.org/Weather
SUNDAYWorship Services at 9:00 & 10:30 AM online or on-site
Sermon Title: The Lord is Near Philippians 4:1-5
For the latest in weather closures affecting events at Glenwood, click Glenwoodcc.org/Weather
SUNDAYWorship Services at 9:00 & 10:30 AM online or on-site
Starting Sunday, March 13th, we will no longer be required to mask indoors. We know that some will continue to wear masks and others will choose not to. With that in mind, we call on our church family to be gracious, respectful and circumspect towards one another.
Safety GuidelinesSymptom Monitoring: Staff, volunteers, and attendees are recommended to self-screen for signs and symptoms of illness before arriving at church. Please remain home if you, or anyone in your household, presents signs of illness.
For the latest in weather closures affecting events at Glenwood, click Glenwoodcc.org/Weather
SUNDAYWorship Services at 9:00 & 10:30 AM online or on-site
We have an opportunity before us to help with the alarming situation in Ukraine. Russia’s invasion has led to hundreds of thousands of refugees flooding into neighboring countries. Marc and Olya Meland, Glenwood’s missionaries in Ukraine have left the country and are now in Poland helping refugees. Our leadership has approved and sent immediate financial help to bolster their efforts and we are now calling on our church family to partner with us through prayer and giving.
Enjoy a great meal and get to know new people at Glenwood. Select four restaurants you would enjoy and we'll do the rest. A few days before the event we will send you an email with the restaurant we selected from your list and the names of your dinner companions. Generally there are five to eight people in a group.
College-age and up are invited to participate in this church-wide event. The cost for the evening is only the price of your meal.
For the latest in weather closures affecting events at Glenwood, click Glenwoodcc.org/Weather
SUNDAYWorship Services at 9:00 & 10:30 AM online or on-site
Our Annual Meeting is a time of worship, reflection, and looking ahead to 2022. Join us this Sunday evening, February 27.
4:00pm: Budget Information Session
5:00-5:30pm: Refreshments in the Fellowship Hall
5:30pm: Annual Meeting
Please note that childcare is not available.
For the latest in weather closures affecting events at Glenwood, click Glenwoodcc.org/Weather
SUNDAYWorship Services at 9:00 & 10:30 AM online or on-site
For this combined Men's & Women's Ministries event, you choose four restaurants you would enjoy and we'll do the rest! We will send you an email to let you know the names of your dinner companions and the name of the restaurant (if you don't receive an email from us, please check your spam folder). Event date: Saturday, March 26 at 5:00pm
College-age and up are invited to participate in this church-wide event. The cost for the evening is only the price of your meal. Sign up below!
For the latest in weather closures affecting events at Glenwood, click Glenwoodcc.org/Weather
SUNDAYWorship Services at 9:00 & 10:30 AM online or on-site
We have a new Adult Equipping class for the Winter! How to Read the Bible: Genesis 1-11. This class will not only help you understand a foundational portion of Scripture, but it will also help you know how to read and understand this kind of writing in the Bible where ever you find it! The class starts on February 6th during the 9am hour upstairs in Room 302 led by Ben Cunningham. The class will meet until April 10th.