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June 12, 2018

Summer is just around the corner – and there are so many ways we can connect with one another this summer.  So, grab your calendar and save the date.  We’d love to see you there!


Women’s Summer Walk

Saturday, July 7th  {10:00am – 12:00pm}

June 5, 2018

Our prayers of love and support are with Kay Warner and her family.  Lloyd Warner, Kay’s husband and long-time member of Glenwood, went home to be with the Lord on Thursday, May 10. A service honoring Lloyd and the God he served is planned for June 19 at 12:00pm at Glenwood.

May 27, 2018
road construction sign

5/27/18 -- Beginning Sunday, May 27 about 1:30pm, the other half of our parking lot will be seal-coated. This will extend into Tuesday, May 29. The east side of the parking lot will be available for use. Please use the entrance from 119th Street. The entrance on 72nd Ave will be closed.


5/22/18 -- On Thursday, May 24, a large portion of our parking lot will be seal-coated. This may carry over into Friday morning and afternoon. The west side of the parking lot will be available for use. Please use the entrance from 72nd Ave. The entrance on 119th St. will be closed.

May 22, 2018

Course Closed this Thursday, May 24th, for Seal Coating. This may stretch to a couple of days, but we'll try to update as we receive more information regarding the process.

Thanks, all! Stay safe. 

May 12, 2018

On June 10th, Charles Hunt is leading a CRU team on a trip to Ghana for 2 weeks. The team of nine people will be traveling to Northern Ghana, Wulensi District. They will be ministering to the most unreached people group in Ghana, the Nanumbas. Their language is primarily Dagbani, but a few speak Hausa and English.

May 11, 2018

The disc golf course will be closed starting 8 a.m. Saturday May 12th through 5 p.m. Saturday May 19th. We will be setting up and hosting the annual STM Sale during this time and a large majority of the course will be closed off. Thank you for your time and patience, and we hope to see you at the sale. 

In This Article:
May 4, 2018
Dirk Brittany Griffin Long

Our prayers of love and support are with the Long family. Phil and Pam’s son Dirk, and Dirk’s wife Brittany and daughter Tessa, welcomed their son and brother Griffin on March 16, 2018. Griffin went home to be with the Lord on Thursday, April 26, 2018.  The family has shared a letter (from Dirk and Brittany) and a poem (from grandfather Phil after Griffin's birth) about trusting God in the midst of their grief. The letter and poem are available below. If you’d like to reach out to support Dirk and his family, please contact the church office.

May 3, 2018
graduation cap in air

UPDATE: The form is now closed, but if you are a graduate, we'd love to celebrate with you, Sunday, June 10th in services.  See you then!


We are gathering information regarding graduates in our church family in order to honor them during a future Sunday morning service.  Please complete the following information if you are graduating from high school, college, trade school, university or any other institution (or you know someone in our body who is) in the 2017-2018 school year.

April 26, 2018
Andrew and Robin Zegan

Last October we began a search for a new Director of Middle School Ministries. This past Sunday, April 22, we were delighted to introduce our new director, Andrew Zegan! Both Andrew and his wife Robin are from Ventura county in Southern California. The Zegans both have a heart and passion for working in Middle school ministries. Andrew has worked in middle school ministries since 2011.Andrew’s vision as Director of Middle School ministries is to see students develop and grow long lasting relationships with Jesus. He is finishing his BA in Biblical studies at Eternity Bible College.

In This Article:
April 20, 2018

Come spend time with other parents as we learn together.  Whether you are a new parent, seasoned parent, or grandparent, we hope you'll join us to get to know others and discuss truth for parenting and all of life. We will continue our discussion on prayer. Don't worry if you have missed previous sessions from the season: you'll be able to jump right in.

April 12, 2018
middle school hangout

All Middle School students in 6th-8th grades are invited to come to The Saturday Hangout on April 28 from 2-4pm. Join us for an afternoon of great games, fabulous food, and fun with friends! The cost is FREE and you don't need to sign up beforehand. Invite a friend, or two, or ten, and show up!! 

Questions? Contact Tracy Bracken at tbracken@glenwoodcc.org.

April 4, 2018

Spring Bible Studies are right around the corner!  Philippians begins April 9 & 10. The Precept studies will continue in John.

April 4, 2018
Gospel Project

Glenwood's Sunday morning Equipping continues this Sunday, April 8, in Room 314.

The Gospel Project at 9:00am will pick back up, having just looked at Matthew's Gospel.  The Scripture Reading Group at 10:45am continues in Samuel and Kings.

March 24, 2018
He is Risen!

On Easter Sunday we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ! Easter Sunday Services will be held at 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00 a.m.

Please note that Children’s Ministries classes will meet during the 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. hours.  Middle School, High School, and Adult Equipping classes will not meet.

March 22, 2018

Bring a date…bring a friend…bring yourself!

Enjoy a great meal and get to know the people at Glenwood.  For this combined Men's & Women's Ministries event, you choose the night for dinner and pick three restaurants you would enjoy.  We will send you an email to let you know the names of your dinner companions and the name of the restaurant.  Event dates:  Friday, April 13 at 6:30pm or Saturday, April 14 at 5:00pm.

College-age and up are invited to participate in this church-wide event.   The cost for the evening is only the price of your meal.
