April 18-24, 2021 EVENTS THIS WEEK SUNDAY Worship Services at 9:00 & 10:30 AM online or on-site
Sermon Title: The Call of The Master, Matthew 4:18-22
Sermon Title: The Call of The Master, Matthew 4:18-22
Sermon Title: A Light Has Dawned, Matthew 4:12-17
Sermon Title: Resurrection Life, 1 Corinthians 15:1-19
As Pastor Paul shares in this March 31 video, Glenwood is shifting our Sunday service times beginning April 11. The new service times are 9:00 and 10:30am.
In person classes for Children & Students begins on April 18.
To help us prepare for your arrival, register at Glenwoodcc.org/ClassRegistration.
To help us prepare for classes opening on April 18, Register your children & students today!
Sermon Title: The Cross of Christ, Galatians 6:11-18
Friday, April 2, 7-8:30pm - Our Good Friday Service is a time of reflection on Christ's death and sacrifice. This service is an opportunity for you and your family to set aside time to focus on Jesus’ sacrifice. Scriptural narrations, images, the elements of communion, and music will create an environment encouraging personal reflection. Come and go anytime during this service.
For those watching from home, we have a prerecorded version of the service.
Sermon Title: We Reap What We Sow, Galatians 6:6-10
Sermon Title: Life on the Rock, Matthew 7:24-29
Sunday, April 4, 8:00, 9:30, 11:00am - Easter Sunday we celebrate our risen Savior! Join us in person (click for what you can expect) or online at Glenwoodcc.org/LIVE.