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In This Article:
April 26, 2017

We gathered for our final Gospel Centered Family Parent Connection of the 2016-2017 season. We discussed how children are God's gift to us. You can catch up with the attached video and power point.

April 21, 2017

Our prayers of love and support are with the family of Richard Grabowsky. Rick's father, Richard, went home to be with the Lord on Sunday, April 16, 2017.  A memorial service will be held on Tuesday, May 2 at 2:00 p.m. in the Worship Center.

In This Article:
April 13, 2017

This summer Glenwood is sending a global outreach team to resource our ministry partners in Haiti. The dates are June 30 - July 8. The team will be doing finish work on an academic building on the STEP campus that requires general construction or handyman skills. If you are interested in finding out more about this trip, please contact Shelly Kirgiss by phone (360-571-3300) or email. More information can also be found in the trip application below. You can also find a paper copy in the church foyer.

April 13, 2017
Hosea 1:1

The Book of the Twelve: A Survey of the Minor Prophets ~ Join us for this sixteen-week survey of the minor prophets. We will spend time in each book to understand its message and consider its significance for New Covenant believers. We will also see how the twelve minor prophets work together in highlighting sin, judgement, and restoration for God’s people

This new equipping class begins Sunday, April 30 at 9:00 a.m. in Room 314.

For video and audio recordings, please see the class page: The Book of the Twelve.

April 7, 2017
Gospel Shaped Work

Sometimes we are guilty of a dualistic approach to life. We have our church life and then our work life, which can seem pretty separated. This eight-week video and discussion based class is about connecting our faith and our work. We will see that the gospel is not only the answer to people’s spiritual needs at work, but that it is at the heart of everything we do at work.

This new equipping class begins Sunday, April 30 at 10:45 a.m. in Room 314. Because of the video and discussion nature of this class, sessions will not be recorded.


In This Article:
March 16, 2017

We gathered for our 5th Parent Connection of the 2016-17 season on March 12th. We focused primarily on Ephesians 6:1-4, discussing how God calls us to love our children and how to engage their hearts through discipline and show them the same grace God shows us. Click the audio link below to listen to our discussion and follow along using the PDF document.

March 16, 2017

Dear Glenwood Community Church Family,

We are deeply grateful for the 63 years you have been the church home to our mother.  In 1954 it was this body that was the first to welcome her as a new bride to the community, and it was this group of brothers and sisters who gathered to celebrate her arrival in her heavenly home.  She was grateful for the love and friendship here and the opportunities to serve and pray.

March 15, 2017

Glenwood partners with a number of Josiah Venture missionaries: Kecia Kulla, Eric Meland, Marc Meland, Jessica Osborne, Johnny & Brooke Stevens, and Rob & Liz Trenckmann.  Josiah Venture is currently hosting an online pray

March 9, 2017

The disc golf course will be closed to the public on Friday, March 10th from 6 p.m. to 10 p.m. for a church event. Thanks for your patience and cooperation. 

March 8, 2017

Our prayers of love and support are with the Paeth Family. Joyce Paeth went home to be with the Lord on Wednesday, February 28, 2017.  A memorial service will be held on Sunday, March 12 at 3:00 p.m. in the Worship Center.

March 7, 2017
Big Ben daylight saving time

Remember to set your clocks ahead one hour for Sunday, March 12, 2017.

February 28, 2017
work books, shovel, broom, titus

Consistent devotion to Jesus and to the needs of others displays the beauty of God’s offer of grace.  How do we pursue that devotion while wisely engaging a culture that so ardently rejects Jesus?   The Apostle Paul provides an answer in his letter to Titus. 

A new equipping class on Titus begins Sunday, March 5.  Led by Dr. Barry Davis and Matthew Jensen, 10:45 a.m. in Room 314.

For audio, video and notes, please visit the class page: Titus

In This Article:
February 21, 2017

We hosted our 4th Parent Connection for the 2016-17 season on February 12th. We talked about our hearts as parents and our need for the Gospel as we lead our families. 



February 12, 2017
Team members with Haitian children

Glenwood’s outreach strategy is to be involved in sending those called to serve on a long term basis, to assist the development of national missionaries and leaders and to send short term Global Outreach (GO) Teams to these areas. Glenwood has been involved in Haiti for many years and is eager to support ministry in any number of ways.  A team of ten have gone to Port-au-Prince this last week to help in the construction of two projects, a home near STEP and the ongoing construction of a new academic building at STEP itself.  Check back for team updates as we receive them.

February 12, 2017
guys in the truck

Hello once again!

The guys woke up early to play basketball with a bunch of Haitians at a nearby school. That was great. Basketball is an American sport so we had our honor to defend! Unfortunately, we got creamed. It was fun playing a competitive game with them though. Meanwhile, Lauren convinced Carlie to Zumba with her. 
