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February 5, 2017
team members with church going kids in haiti


We started the day off bright and early to leave for church at 7:00am. Mason and Johnny Filipe drove us and 7 STEP students. The 45 minute drive gave us a chance to ask lots of questions and interact with the students. The church we visited was planted about a year and a half ago by a STEP student. It's amazing to see God working in here.

We stumbled through humming along to songs we didn't know or understand, but were very excited when we heard the tune to 10,000 reasons! It was satisfying to participate in the worship with them.

February 5, 2017
Brandon and Amy Dickson

This last Sunday, February 5th, Pastor Paul announced that we have offered the position of Director of High School Ministries to Brandon Dickson, and Brandon has accepted!  He will begin his new role in late February.

Here's some information about Brandon and his wife, Amy:

February 4, 2017
team members at airport

Hello!  Thank you for all your prayers! Due to God's grace and excellent airline pilots, we arrived safe and sound.

It has been a long day for all of us. We started at PDX the evening of the 3rd. After an amazing send-off and the miracle of getting through security without any bumps, we boarded our first flight.

It was the longest flight many of us had ever been on, but we have so much to be thankful for. We landed in JFK at 6am EST and got some much needed food. Three hours later, we boarded our flight to Haiti!

January 31, 2017

Our prayers of love and support are with the family of Larry Daniel. A service will be held on Saturday, February 11th at 2:00 p.m. in the Worship Center.

January 25, 2017
Annual Meeting

According to our church constitution, the nominating committee’s responsibility is to present church board nominees for Glenwood member vote at the Annual Meeting. Looking at 1 Timothy 3:1-13, a nominee should demonstrate spiritual maturity, manage his household well, manifest a servant’s heart, and endeavor to live his life above reproach.

In This Article:
January 18, 2017

On Sunday, January 15th, we gathered and discussed what is "success", and what does it look like in our families? We contrasted what we perceive our culture's definition of success to be with what the Bible defines as success in Deuteronomy 6:4-6.

Here are the presentation sldes and the video/audio from our time:

January 8, 2017

We have two winter Women's Bible Studies to choose from:

A Precept study going through 1 and 2 Peter A study of the book of Ephesians, led by a team of Glenwood staff members

For more information about the studies and to sign up online, check out the Women's Bible Studies page.

January 8, 2017
man holding megaphone in front of brick wall

We live in a world where there are seemingly endless opportunities to communicate with one another. With the internet, social media, and smart phones, we could be the most effective communicators in human history. So, why aren’t we? Why does it seem so hard to have ongoing relationships that build one another up instead of tearing each other apart? The good news is that the Bible is filled with guidance on this important issue. In this class, we will examine what God says about how we can use our words for His glory and the good of others.

In This Article:
January 6, 2017

On November 13, parents gathered for our 2nd Parent Connection of the 2016-17 season. In our discussion of the Gospel centered family, we focused on how to live for God in everyday life.

January 5, 2017
Stewardship and Budgeting Seminar with John Thornton

Dr. John Thornton recently shared with us in a seminar about the role of finances in a Christian's life.  Dr. Thornton has recently released a book entitled Jesus' Terrible Financial Advice on the subject as well.

January 5, 2017

Our prayers of love and support are with the family of Ken Elder. A memorial service will be held on Saturday, January 7th at 1:00 p.m. in the Worship Center.

January 1, 2017

Thanks for your help!  Use the below form to let us know how to tag this sermon/class. We're asking for Name and Email so we can thank you and follow up if we have any questions.

December 23, 2016
Christmas ornament on snow

Please note that the church office will be closed on Monday and Tuesday, December 26-27, in observance of Christmas.  The office will also be closed on Monday, January 2, 2017, in observance of New Year’s Day.

December 22, 2016
Bible with iPhone, earbuds and tea

The 2017 Bible reading plan is available on our website at glenwoodcc.org/reading or at the Ministry Information Table in the Foyer.  Journey through the Bible over the next year by daily reading and exploring each passage on the schedule.


November 26, 2016
Choir Practice

We invite you to participate in the choir which is scheduled to share in both worship services on the morning of December 18. There will be one practice on Saturday morning, December 17 in the Fellowship Hall from 9:00-12:00.  Please sign up at the Ministry Information Table in the Foyer. Anyone 16 years and older is welcome to join us!
