We now have 284 Merger students in Haiti! Currently 266 students are sponsored and 18 students are waiting for a sponsor. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor ($30/month), or learning more about the opportunity, please call Shelly Kirgiss at 571-3300.
Two new Equipping Classes begin Sunday morning, February 16, at 9:30am and 11:00am.
Mark your calendar for Vacation Bible Camp’s SonZone Discovery Center to be held on June 23-27. More information to come in the months ahead!
From December 22nd through January 12th high school Sunday school will be on Christmas break. Have fun celebrating Christmas and New Year's with your family and friends!
Beginning on January 19th, we will diving into an eleven week high school Sunday school class on how to study the Bible through 1 John. For more information, contact Nathan Nymeyer.
Johnny and Brooke were able to share recently during a Sunday school class. Please check out the Listening Well Class 10 starting at the 28:20 minute mark to hear from them about their ministry.
Equipping Classes begin Sunday, September 22! One class is being offered 9:30am, and a second is being offered at 11:00am. The class descriptions are below:
Gospel from the Gospels ~ Learning to tell the gospel story through the structure and content of Matthew, Mark and Luke, with particular focus on Mark. Taught by Wayne Cochran, Room 314, at 9:30 am.
There is something for everyone at the Men’s Breakfast & Golf Day to be held on Saturday, September 28 at 7:45 a.m. The day starts with breakfast at Glenwood and a message from Senior Pastor Paul Jackson. Those who are golfing will then transition to Tri-Mountain Golf Course for a four-man scramble. Whether you golf or not, join us for breakfast! Sign-ups begin next Sunday in the Foyer.
I am pleased to announce a new Sunday morning equipping opportunity for high school students that will take place this fall. Up until this point, the high school ministry has offered one Sunday school class at 9:30, which has provided an environment for students to connect with one another and study God’s Word together.
The Glenwood church family is invited to the King’s Kruz-In car show and outreach on Saturday, August 3 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Now in its twelfth year, the King’s Kruz-In has grown to be one of the largest car shows in the Portland/Vancouver area. Enjoy family activities for young and old alike: show cars, R/C racing, BBQ lunch, and live bluegrass music. If you would like to volunteer, please contact Al Curtis at 571-3300.
For more information, check out glenwoodcc.org/kruzin.
Parents of middle school and high school students mark your calendar to attend the student ministry parent dinner to be held on Wednesday, July 17 from 5:30 - 8:00 p.m. Enjoy dinner with other parents and youth leaders, hear about student ministries at Glenwood, and strategize with other parents about ways to help your kids grow in their love for God and neighbors. Dinner is provided and childcare is available. RSVP by emailing Nathan Nymeyer or Tommy Holczer (stumin@glenwoodcc.org).
Please note First Things First will meet at The House on Friday, June 28. First Things First on Friday, July 5 has been cancelled in observance of Independence Day. We will resume regular meetings on Friday, July 12.
Dear Friends,
The amazing DEO Ethiopian missionary team flew home to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia this week, bringing to a conclusion this first chapter of joyful evangelistic outreach into the Doro Refugee Camp. What a wonderful two months of the sort of ‘great and mighty things’ Jeremiah (33:3) spoke about! Thousands heard the Gospel, many more received Scripture portions, and at last report this village-to-village effort among the refugees brought more than 2,400 individuals into a new relationship with their Creator and Savior.
Mason and Lauren have committed to full time service in Haiti with Crossworld, and we are glad to send them. As they raise support, they are connecting with folks to share their story of God’s work in Port-au-Prince and Merger. Please stop by their table in the Foyer on February 10 and 17 to meet and talk with them.