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In This Article:
April 20, 2018

Come spend time with other parents as we learn together.  Whether you are a new parent, seasoned parent, or grandparent, we hope you'll join us to get to know others and discuss truth for parenting and all of life. We will continue our discussion on prayer. Don't worry if you have missed previous sessions from the season: you'll be able to jump right in.

April 4, 2018

Spring Bible Studies are right around the corner!  Philippians begins April 9 & 10. The Precept studies will continue in John.

April 4, 2018
Gospel Project

Glenwood's Sunday morning Equipping continues this Sunday, April 8, in Room 314.

The Gospel Project at 9:00am will pick back up, having just looked at Matthew's Gospel.  The Scripture Reading Group at 10:45am continues in Samuel and Kings.

March 24, 2018
He is Risen!

On Easter Sunday we celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ! Easter Sunday Services will be held at 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00 a.m.

Please note that Children’s Ministries classes will meet during the 9:30 & 11:00 a.m. hours.  Middle School, High School, and Adult Equipping classes will not meet.

March 22, 2018

Bring a date…bring a friend…bring yourself!

Enjoy a great meal and get to know the people at Glenwood.  For this combined Men's & Women's Ministries event, you choose the night for dinner and pick three restaurants you would enjoy.  We will send you an email to let you know the names of your dinner companions and the name of the restaurant.  Event dates:  Friday, April 13 at 6:30pm or Saturday, April 14 at 5:00pm.

College-age and up are invited to participate in this church-wide event.   The cost for the evening is only the price of your meal.

In This Article:
March 22, 2018

The March Parent Connection continued in our theme of the Power of Words.

March 13, 2018
Good Friday Service - place of the skull

This service is an opportunity for you and your family to set aside time to focus on Jesus’ sacrifice. Scriptural narrations, images, the elements of communion, and music will create an environment encouraging personal reflection. Feel free to come and go between 7:00 and 8:30 p.m.

In This Article:
March 8, 2018

This August, Glenwood is sending a global outreach team to resource our ministry partners in Slovenia. The dates are August 1-15, 2018. The team will be leading an English camp for middle school aged children, in partnership with the Josiah Venture team in Celje, Slovenia. If you are interested in finding out more about this trip, please contact Shelly Kirgiss by phone (360-571-3300) or email. More information can also be found in the trip application below. You can also find a paper copy in the church foyer.

March 6, 2018
STM Drop Off

The STM sale will be held May 17-19 this year!  More information is available at the Foyer Table on Sunday mornings.  The next drop off will be held on Saturday, March 24 from 9:00 a.m. until noon at the barn.  Contact David or Judy Bufford for more information. You can also sign up online to volunteer.

March 3, 2018
Big Ben daylight saving time

Don’t forget to move your clocks ahead next Saturday, March 10.  Daylight saving time starts Sunday, March 11.

March 3, 2018

Eric & Lindsay Meland invite you to join them on Sunday, March 11, at 2:00 p.m. in Room 305.  They will be sharing about their work in Veszprém, Hungary with Josiah Venture. 

February 22, 2018

Our prayers of love and support are with the family of Jeanelle Vernon. Jeanelle passed away on Wednesday, February 14. Please join us in celebrating her life on Monday, February 26 at 1:00pm.

In This Article:
February 21, 2018

Our Parent Connection gathered in February to continue the discussion on the power of words.

February 8, 2018
team playing soccer with the kids in merger
Serving in Merger

Monday thru Wednesday the team drove through congested traffic to serve in the community of Merger. We split into 2 teams: one team working alongside Haitians replacing roofs; the other team playing games and doing activities with children.

Team #1 consisted of 2 guys (+4 Haitians) on the roof nailing in wooden rafters and currogated tin sheets; and 2 guys (+1 Haitian) on the ground moving beams and tin to the men on the roof and making sure they had enough water. The Haitian bosses, volunteers from Merger, and our guys all worked really well together!

In This Article:
February 7, 2018

Our Parent Connection continued the theme of Conflict and the Power of Words.
